Wednesday 6 June 2007


Hee. This is harder work than I expected!
So, it's backwards*, and poorly indexed, and there's some stuff I wanted to comment on. This will all be fixed...later. Right now I'm going to kick back and watch an appropriately vintage edition of Top Of The Pops.

Aw, boo. Peter Powell got a haircut! He was significantly cuter in the late-70s ones I've been watching. It must be great to be him tho. Don't you think? Everything is super! and fantastic! and yeah! and great! I swear, the dude's neural web is made of candyfloss. But anyway.

Coming soon: An awesome Bunty picture library story about a girl and her ostrich, and a copy of Smash Hits from March '82. Although first I've got to clean up the scans a bit, and figure out how the heck to organise this blog. Watch this space...

*EDIT: Fixed! I messed around with the timestamps. Which felt rather dishonest, but it seems to have done the job.


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